Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Wants my happiness back!

There are as many nights as days,
and the one is just as long as the other in
the years's course. Even a happy life cannot
be without a measure of darkness, and
the word 'happy' would lose its meaning
if it were not balanced by sadness.
Carl Jung 1875-1961
Tomorrow's just another day like always. I'm the kind of person who looks for special moments everyday. I dont't let a day slip by without finding the reason to be thankful or an opportunity to cherish a moment. It might mean putting on a pretty black dress or normal shorts and sneakers for an ordinary dinner. Or opening a bottle of vanilla coke in the evening to share with my lovely friends and family. It might mean posting a comment on facebook to tell a friend I miss her. Or prepare sandwiches for people to eat happily. Or stopping to gaze at the awe of looming storm coulds in the sky at this time of month. It might mean curling up in my favourite sofa with CLEO magazine and a mug of Lipton tea in front of the TV watching MTV. Or feeling good dancing in that black dress I bought even if it's a size 10. It might mean breathing in the scent of freshly baked cookies wafting out of the famous amos shop. Or going out with the girls to catch a movie we've dying to watch. It might mean splurging on a new hair cut and not wincing at the bill. Or spending a blissful afternoon just sharing pictures, comments, gifts on facebook. I might mean walking up to class on time also calling sick when I don't have the mood. Or cuddling with my Persian Russion cat Sylvester. Him snuggle up to me. Or parking myself on the couch the whole weekend to finish the entire season of How I met Your Mother. It might mean seeing my friend alone crying for help. Or singing loudly along to the songs blasting away on the radio in the smart car with my mother. It might mean pampering myself with a nice long facial and relaxing in the bathtub after. Or travelling with my mother to conference I don't know, with a half empty bag and returning with extra luggage. The opportunities to find happy moments are endless and that's how I plan to live for the longest time. <3

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